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Delta Engineering SE
Mechanical and Ocean Solutions

Horizontal Pressure Vessel

The Pressure Vessel shown below was designed using SolidWorks, MapleSoft, and the 'Pressure Vessel Handbook, 9th Edition. The equations used are based on ASME Section VIII, Division 1 and an analysis by L.P. Zick. Click the text or stress icon to the right to see an example of these calculations.

In addition to pressure vessel (PV) design per ASME VIII, we can design and stress analyze stiffening rings, support saddles, vertical PV support legs, PV lug supports, threaded and welded fittings, access and inspection openings, and rectangular tanks.

These calculations can be used for designing new pressure vessels, or to verify ASME code compliance for existing pressure vessels.

Pressure Vessel Designed Per ASME Section VIII, Division 1

Pressure Vessel Stress Calculations per ASME Section VIII Division 1

Click on this text, or the stress failure criteria icon below, to see the stress analysis of the pressure vessel shown to the left.