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Delta Engineering SE
Mechanical and Ocean Solutions

University of Florida

I was a graduate student at the University of Florida from September 1976 to August 1978, where earned my Master of Science degree in Coatal and Oceanographic Engineering. My expenses were financed through a graduate research assistantship.

My thesis was titled: "Design and Development of an In-Situ Suspended Sediment Concentration Measurement System". My studies were concentrated in the area of fluid mechanics and applied mathematics, with independent study in "Hydrodynamic Analysis of Floating Bodies".

Master of Science in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Diploma issued on August 26, 1978.


The Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering group has faculty who are internationally recognized for their prominence and their impact on studies of physical processes associated with sediment transport in beaches, estuaries and lakes; wave transformations over sandy and muddy bottoms; bridge scouring; inlet morphodynamics and wave- current interactions; estuarine and coastal physics; storm surge and inundation; and salt intrusion into estuaries and groundwater aquifers.

All Graduate students are required to complete a program plan of study form. This form includes supervisory committee information (for Master’s thesis, PhD students or if a minor is selected) and all of the courses that a student will take throughout the degree program.